It is recommended that individuals accessing this website visit this page and review the privacy policy statement.
Collection of information
All personal information is provided on a voluntary basis and is kept secure in accordance with the Privacy Policy. A full copy of the Privacy Policy may be obtained by contacting the Privacy Officer, Aware Environmental Products P/L, 282 Hammond Road Dandenong VIC 3175 or telephone 03 97066214.
Visiting this site
When users visit this site, the site server makes a record of the visit and records the server address, the domain name, date and time, geographic location, duration of visit, the pages accessed and downloaded, the type of browsers and the operating system used. This is to allow Aware Environmental Products P/L to gather statistical analysis to improve the website’s value and relevance to its users. Aware Environmental Products P/L encourages adult supervision during your child’s online experience.
Email Communication
Any electronic mail or other communication regarding our website including but not limited to comments, questions, ideas will become property of Aware Environmental Products P/L and kept for further reference in updating or maintaining the Aware Environmental Website.
We endeavour to ensure this site is secure with measures such as firewalls. Personal data is maintained under strict security and can only be accessed internally by Aware Environmental Products employees that have permission to do so.
As like many other sites, Aware Environmental used a ‘cookie’ for maintaining contact with a user through a Website session. A cookie is a small file supplied by the Aware Environmental server and stored by the web browser software on the individual accessing the sites’ computer. Through the use of a ‘cookie’, Aware Environmental is able to recognise you as you move throughout the website.
On completion of the visit to the site the state maintained by the cookie is then lost. The information is only used to help you use our website system efficiently, not to track your movements through the Internet, or to record private information about you.