What our customers are saying…
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 Stars!
Absolutely love the cleaning power of Orange Power. Beautiful Orange Oil fragrance lingers to refresh my home. I have all their products and would highly recommend them.
- Andrea P
How easily it worked! It's pleasant smelling and always does a great job.
— Lia B
It's a powerful cleaner and it's safe. The scent left gives the surroundings a fresh air. I recommend this product to all. I have used it over the years!
- Karen B
Not only does it clean well it leaves a nice smell too.
- C. Low
Their non-aerosol air fresheners really do neutralise odours and leave a pleasant, but not overwhelming, aroma. ❤️🇦🇺😊🍊
- Julie H
I have been using these products for years now. Love the fact I don't choke on the fumes of bleach etc and just have a lovely orange smell plus a sparkling bathroom.... I have now got my fam and friends converted. 😁🍊
— Sandra T
I have been using this product for years - highly recommend this 👍👍👍👍👍
— Cheryl B
Love the smell, the fact it does such a great job, and the amazing range of products. I’m a cleaner and I use this at all my clients’ houses and now they’ve been using it too!
- Sharron S
Unbelievable product - a full score of 10/10 for me.
- Deeorn R
Love your Sticky Spo & Goo Remover! I’m a professional cleaner and your product makes removing old stuck-on child proof locks on cupboards and draws a breeze!! Thank you.
- Naomi J